Our Expertise

machine learning and AI

Machine Learning & AI

Artificial Intelligence is the concept of machines being able to carry out complex tasks by evaluating contingencies and situations by acquired learning. Machine Learning is based on the idea that machines can be taught to learn by accessing data and empowered to perform tasks by itself.

machine learning and AI

Vehicle Telematics

Telematics is the coming together of Telecommunications and Informatics. Vehicle Telematics is the integration of Global Positioning System (GPS)Technology, Computers and Mobile devices.

iot and automation

IOT & Automation

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the world of connected devices and systems. Automation is intelligently leveraging data gathered by embedded sensors and actuators to make machines carry out a specific function or action.

Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition is the process of detecting features in data to classify them and match these to obtain an identification. Objects, events, trends, cycles, movements are determined by both unsupervised or supervised AI, machine learning based methods.

Enterprise mobility

Enterprise and Mobility Systems

Enterprise mobility is the use of mobile devices and cloud services to perform business tasks. Our Enterprise Mobility offers you a complete spectrum of B2B, B2C , B2E and M2M solutions.

Our Platforms

Itac (Intelligent Tracking And Communication) is a cloud-based telematics platform for customers requiring location intelligence and sensor aggregation.

(AIS 140 Certified)

Itac Predictive Platform is an Artificial Intelligence based SaaS platform for anomaly and pattern detection focused on IOT and automation use cases.

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